New bot: SubDelDiaCRBot

Last year, I had lunch at Subway several times; won’t lie, I love it. Nevertheless, I always forgot which is the Sub of the day. My geek side had an idea (just for fun :-P): develop a simple chatbot that could tell you the Sub of the day of each day of the week. So… SubDelDiaCRBot was borned.

I developed it for Telegram first. Then, I also developed it for other platforms: Skype, Facebook Messenger and Slack. However, Facebook Messenger now requires that your bot is linked to a company, so I discarded it on that platform in the end.

SubDelDiaCRBot does not collect any type of data and it is not too smart. It works by commands, you text a day (e.g. monday, friday, today, tomorrow) and it will answer the Sub of the day of that day. Also you can text «options» and you will get all possible commands. For next version I would like to add some AI (artificial intelligence) to it.

ejemplo del chatbot subdeldiacrbot

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